
  1. Indian Cities from Forts and Other High Places

    September 5, 2018

  2. Old Chinese Men Looking at Form Guides

    September 5, 2018
    One thing that I noticed while at the horse racing in Hong Kong, was despite everyone having mobile phones all the old racegoers had their own paper form guides and would be entranced by them before every race. Below is a collection of a few of these men. 

  3. ‘$18 for a VB, good thing I just won at Happy Valley’ | Top Ten - Hong Kong

    June 24, 2018
    Hong Kong is close to my ideal city, there’s excellent dumpling soup, amazing architecture to admire and secluded treks just a short train ride from the city.  The beer is a bit expensive but I’d consider it a worthy tradeoff for this crazy city, plus if you just back the…

  4. ‘Sand in my pocket and nothing on my mind’ | Top Ten - Sri Lanka

    May 23, 2018
    Sri Lanka is the country that kickstarted my love of Solo travel early in 2017 and I’ve now been lucky enough to visit the island nation twice in the past year. On my first journey I fell in love with the views of the hills and overlooked the southern beaches…

  5. Top Ten - China

    May 10, 2018
    As I quickly approach a year of travelling I thought it would be the perfect time to look back on what has probably been the best year of my life, by creating a top ten album of each of the 11 countries I’ve been lucky enough to visit I’ve decided…

  6. Varanasi

    March 30, 2018
    Varanasi is peak India. Chaotic in places, oddly serene in others and at all times with an other worldly energy. Always something happening, and guaranteed to make any western tourist stare with a gaping mouth at least once on their visit, it’s the ideal town to observe and be shocked…

  7. The Taj

    March 24, 2018
    Quite simply the worlds most beautiful building, one of the places where all of my expectations were surpassed. Arriving at sunrise was what everyone suggested I do and I definitely wasn’t disappointed, but the best images came a few hours later as the foreign tourists headed for breakfast and the…

  8. Holi in Jaipur

    March 8, 2018
    You’ve probably heard about Holi before, to many foreigners (myself included) it’s just that massive festival in India where people throw paint at each other in the streets. And while that is definitely a big part of the fun, ‘playing Holi’ as the Indians would put it is just the…

  9. One Mumbai Slum

    February 26, 2018
    Located a stone’s throw from Dhobi Ghat, the world’s largest laundry, and right next to a garbage dump is an unsuspecting half demolished area of land with a handful of families occupying what’s left of their homes. Standing amongst the rubble, the homeowners are extremely eager to show us, two…

  10. Walking the tracks in Sri Lanka

    February 23, 2018
    Over New Year’s I decided that I didn’t want to do the normal Sri Lankan tourist thing of going to Mirissa and listening to bad trance music on the beach, I’d already done that over Christmas. With around a week to kill I decided to head to the hills and…

  11. My favourite shots of 2017

    January 12, 2018
    Although I haven’t had a heap of time to review my images, there’s been a few shots from last year that really stick out in my memory. Below is a couple of these shots. In total I took over 30,000 images in 2017 so there are definitely some I am…

  12. Yee Peng Festival

    November 5, 2017
    South East Asia has a lot of festivals, most of them involving water and lights it seems. The Yee Peng Festival in Chiang Mai is so far the most impressive one that I have come across. As far as I could tell it involved lighting lanterns and trying not to…

  13. Lai Heua Fai

    October 9, 2017
    Lai Heua Fai, meaning ‘floats of light downstream’ is a festival held for the end of Lent each year in Laos, I followed it this year in Luang Prabang. Each temple and village from the surrounding area submits a boat that is ceremoniously paraded through town and placed in the…

  14. Bokor Mountain

    September 8, 2017
    Cambodia is a weird country, for whatever reason they have a casino complex and resort atop a mountain with nothing else for miles around. To top it off there is an abandoned casino and catholic church often shrouded by cloud. The whole site has a similar feeling to the abandoned…

  15. The Tourists of Angkor

    September 6, 2017
    Temples are boring, Tourists aren’t.

  16. Kampot Overnight Fishing

    September 2, 2017
    4.50pm - I’m standing next to Sal alongside the Kampot river waiting for the fleet of boats to come past and collect us. Tonight we’re going fishing in the gulf of Thailand on one of Sal’s friends boats. For the  month and a half I have been in Kampot there…

  17. Paradise Cave

    August 27, 2017
    Hidden deep within Phong Nha National Park in Vietnam is the Paradise Cave. Most likely called this because this vast expanse of cave is around 10 degrees cooler than the outside air, and a much needed respite after the scooter ride and trek to the entrance of the cave. Inside…

  18. Luang Prabang National Stadium

    August 26, 2017
    There are some things you expect to find at the end of a dirt road, rubbish tips are the first thing that spring to mind A worn out athletics track isn’t something that tops the list, but that’s exactly what I found in Luang Prabang, Laos. Although it was still…

  19. Da Lat’s Crazy House

    June 22, 2017
    A mix between a Dr Suess book, Alice in wonderland and an acid trip, Da Lat’s ‘crazy house’ is an example of Vietnam’s blasé attitude towards health and safety and an awesome place to spend a morning The whole thing has been made to look like a mystical treehouse by…

  20. Buying a 1960’s camera in Hanoi

    June 19, 2017
    So I was walking around the old quarter of Hanoi when I saw a sign for ‘retro cameras’ and had to check it out. Entering the shop was like being back in Melbourne, if there was a coffee machine I could have sworn I was back home. Most of the…

  21. Sri Lanka by Train

    June 18, 2017
    Getting on a train in Sri Lanka is just the thing you do, it seems. Most people jump on for the incredibly pretty journey from Ella to Kandy, in the hill country. This section of the journey is arduously slow and incredibly cramped. Contrast this to the flat, fast and…

  22. Hue’s Abandoned Waterpark

    June 16, 2017
    I’d never heard about Hue’s abandoned waterpark until some fellow travelers mentioned it to me in Saigon, the second I heard about it I knew I had to check it out. Supposedly there were rumours of crocodiles still living in the park, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to spot any…

  23. It’s Time

    June 4, 2017
    I quit my job (lol a casual retail job but it sounds more serious and y’know, cool) and bought a drone. I have a camera and a one way ticket I’m starting in Vietnam, in my short life this would have to be my favourite country to visit. The beer…

  24. Soon.

    May 14, 2017
    I leave Australia on the 3rd of June, hopefully not to come back for a fair while.  Keep an eye out here for stories and photos of my trip which I plan to update regularly.  If you’re reading this and have any tips for South East Asia or South/Central America…

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